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Penshaw Monumnet

Together We Can Win This! – Blog #13

It is almost a year since Sunderland announced its intention to bid to be UK City of Culture in 2021. Since then the buzz around what the bid could mean for this city has built rapidly. Nowhere is this more evident than in the latest issue of VIBE magazine where leading organisations – the Football Club, Gentoo, and Sunderland College among others - set out why they are backing City of Culture.

Vibe magOver the summer, hundreds of people across the city have told us why they think Sunderland should be City of Culture in 2021. A huge thank you to everyone who shared their ideas. Time and again people talked about the great sense of community here and people’s spirit, friendliness and humour. They celebrated the city’s heritage – our great thinkers, industrial pioneers, sporting legends and the beautiful historic buildings.  We heard about the things people love in Sunderland – the beautiful beaches, the football, the Air Show, the Empire Theatre, the National Glass Centre – are just a few of the headlines. All these things show Sunderland is the perfect place for a national celebration of arts and culture in 2021.

But people also talked of the things we need to change about the city. They revealed some of the challenges the city faces and where people think more investment in culture could improve life in the city for everyone. We heard from people who felt frustrated about the unfulfilled potential in the city, and some of the obstacles that they faced, whether physical, economic or emotional. We heard about some of the divisions – more than anything else – we heard how people want to secure a better future for young people in the city.

So here are 5 things that we are determined that being City of Culture should do for Sunderland in 2021. These will form a manifesto at the base of our bid.

1. Profile of the city

It is time Sunderland stepped out of the shadows and into the light. 2021 is that chance to tell people across the world about the incredible character of the city.

2. Young People

In 2021 young people will play a lead role in creating the city that they want to live in in the future.

3. Creative Economy

Winning will be a catalyst for rapid growth in the creative industries in the city, providing the support artists and businesses need to turn Sunderland into a thriving creative centre.

4. Connecting Sunderland

2021 is opportunity for us to come together as a city and celebrate our friendships locally and internationally

5. Health and happiness

We will ensure everyone in the city reaps the benefits of being creative. So we want to see more musicians, more model makers, more sports clubs, more craft groups, more bedroom djs, more film producers, more published poets and more dance classes springing up all over the city.

Over the next couple of months we are going to be asking friends and partners from across the city to write more about their ambitions in these areas. Thank you for your support. I am absolutely sure that together we can win this!

Rebecca Ball, Sunderland 2021 Bid Director
14th September, 2016

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